XFAI beta feedback - adapt forecast not adjusting for availability change

I have adjusted availability for weekday rides to limit to 2 hours, set to ‘fixed’ and marked as default for those days, however when adapting forecast the workouts remain at more than two hours. (Previously it was 2 hours but ‘flex’ which seems to be how the longer than 2-hour rides got there in the first place).

Wanted to flag as that’s not what I would expect, also based on the documentation which suggests it should be used to reflect changes in availability. Perhaps the intention is for smaller or one-off changes rather than permanent ones, in which case the guidance could be updated

I guess I need to re run the forecast from scratch actually? Presumably that will delete the progress against the plan to date? (Not that it’s critical for me now, but when going live / using in earnest it would be good to be able keep this history somehow)

Kindly send this into support so we can review your account. Thanks.

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