XERT's Garmin app desn't work correctly (even timer...)


I’ve been using XERT for last two weeks. Last 4 trainings happened some strange. I used to select a 1h25min training but when I rode it on my trainer it used to last much more, about 2h. This happened last Friday, Sunday and Monday. I use to select the training on XERT web site with my PC. Afterwards, I sync my garming (820) with the phone. The garmin is ready for the trining. I run XERT on my garmin. While I was training today, I have realised that some intervals were too long so I measured them with the phone. Rest intervals were double time that they workout shown (on XERT website and also garmin device) and work (high power) intervals use to last half. Timer on XERT garmin app was not measuring time correctly. When I switch on my garmin, it takes the heart rate without problems, but when XERT I running it takes nothing. Also, I feel that power is sometimes far from reality, but this is just feeling, no way to measure it. So as you can see I’ve got something that doesn’t work with garmin and XERT. For me is important to know how long the training is going to be. Can you tell me what must I change or configure?

Best regards

Are you using the SMART intervals as I believe they will vary the duration if your power is not at the correct levels.

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