Xert workout sync to Zwift broken!

Since a few days it looks like the workout sync has some issues. It started by not syncing the workout to Zwift and now it sends 5 random workouts to Zwift, resulting in the wrong workout…

Choosing workout and selecting:

Smart Kung Fu workout selected for today:

Xert sents 5 random workouts to Zwift:

Smart Kung Fu in my calendar:

Smart Bring me to life is ready in Zwift:

Also Generating AI workouts or selecting workout from training tab results in weird uploading.
Please fix this ASAP, this makes Xert unusable!

I’m not having this issue, its been working fine for the last week.

Edit, I jinx myself, just happened to me also.

Yep, same issues here. Very frustrating.

As of yesterday it doesnt upload 5 random workouts anymore, but the workout that is uploaded will not show up in zwift. There is one workout that remains in Zwift, ironically called: Stuck in the middle…

This workout is stuck:

Similar issue for me. My desired workout WILL NOT sync to Swift at all. Even after multiple attempts.

Temporary workaround while Xert addresses the bug –

  • Disable Automatic under Sync, Zwift and under Planner, Settings (if enabled there).
  • Use the Unschedule button to clear any entries shown under Sync, Zwift.
  • Manually send desired workout from Planner or Training page using the paper airplane icon.

Good to know there is a way to manage/view the queue of scheduled workouts sent to Zwift.
Thanks a lot this helps for now…


I assume the issue is already being addressed but just in case more feedback is required, I have the same issue that the workout is not being uploaded to Zwift.

Look for a fix to this issue in the next day or so. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Same issue here cannot sync to Zwift and workouts. Thanks for help

yeah it seems to sync 4 workouts, what I do now is unsync/remove the ones from Zwift I don’t want on Xert sync menu.

They’ll get removed at midnight automatically.

How is the fix going? because it still doesn’t work as it should…

Which function isn’t working for you?

working perfect here…