Xert WO TCX files and Garmin

The WO Designer and Xert WO are quite interesting. However I have an iPhone. Is it possible to download a TCX file and then upload to Garmin as a Garmin Workout I can follow on my Edge? Or into Trainer Road (even better!)?

I just did this today. You go into your workout and up near the top right corner are three buttons. One for table, one for TCX, and one for ERG.

If you download the ERG file the drag it into an already open TrainerRoad WorkoutCreator Window, it will auto set the intervals and bring up the field for you to save the file name (http://support.trainerroad.com/hc/en-us/articles/201944204-Creating-a-Workout-from-an-ERG-or-MRC-File).

I run trainerroad on my outdoor rides so this is my best option until an iOS app is available.

Fantastic! Thank you Brian.

It works beautifully.