Xert need to implement this function!

No. We have a major update to finish first. It will have some elements of 2.0 in it but not the whole she-bang. Still coming up with new ideas and other ways to use the model. Also coming up with other models and algorithms along the way.


I use my phone camera every morning. Used in conjunction with your star system re intensity it helps tremendously taking into account poor sleep or other life stressors, including most notably, alcohol.
It also has given me early warning of sickness, just a shame I don’t take enough notice of it.LOL. Very difficult to take a day off when out of the blue you get a really low reading when you are feeling fine.
A lot of the Garmin HRV data appears to be just random numbers as far as I’m concerned.


I should have listened to my HRV when I got into this begin of April after trying out ramp rates between 3…6 with two notorious sick toddlers at home

Stubborn as I am I kept going so my fatigue got chronic and only recovered begin of June

I could only sleep with decongestant through that time and of course lost all fitness.
Now slowly rebuildung while religiousely watching my numbers.

Usefulness/accuracy probably depends heavily on the device. I use a Fenix 7 and its measurements seem consistens and explainable to me.

@xertedbrain Any way to get into the beta of the new Xert?