Xert model prediction and software testing

Before I pose my question , let me state what has happened

  1. Xert has developped a software model of my system ( body)
  2. Xert DOES NOT really know me.
  3. I have selected aggressive improvement and Xert states that the Threshold Power will increase 1 Watt per week
  4. Using the selected agressive improvement, Xert, inputs that into the software instance that it created for my body and generates a series of workouts witg the corresponding XSS that the user should perform in order to accomplish the desired improvement rate
  5. I dutilly perform the recommended workouts that according to the Xert prediction, I will increase the Threshold power by 1 Watt per week
  6. The model should just take that as an input to the model, recalculate and show that 1Watt increase.
  7. As a matter of fact, I should be able to “fake it”, create a software file mimicking my workout and Xert should STILL show that 1 Watt increase. Let,s face it, xert does not know me, only knows the instance of the model it created of me.

So, why don,t I see that increase as “predicted” by xert ( xert , predic ted it). On the contrary, sometimes it shows a decrease just because the time stamp / day change . It should NOT !
Lets face it, if right now, I change my improvement rate to “maintenance”, xert tells me that I have a surplus, that I could not workout for 5 days and that my threshold would remain the same, not decrease. So, if in maintenance you dont decrease even without providing any input into the model, WHY then, when I workout ( regardless of improvement rate selected or workout performed, it shows a decrease, sometimes ,

It appears that something is wrong. Even if the model does not represent me, xert should still " behave" according to its own " rules".

I’m perplexed!

Your XSS deficit varies with previous training, sometimes dramatically. This can have an affect on projected values. Your training load does not increase continuously or smoothly. Check our blog on the training advisor to get more of an explanation. Send a note to support if you’re still having trouble understanding. Someone will be glad to help you.

I will check the blog, …but how do you explain the folowing:

  1. 2 hours ago, xert stated that I " should consider a workout generating about 69 XSS
  2. So, i did a workout and when I finished the workout , I ended up generating 79 XSS
  3. 79-69= 10… So, I should have a surplus of 10 XSS
  4. However, xert, NOW, states that I have a surplus of 25 xss. It,s OK, but…
  5. To me, it,s very important because instead of spending 1 hour 15 min on the trainer, perhaps only 45 min would be necessary.
  6. It’s very important for planning. If I can reach my goals with less time, it,s time I could use for other training, etc.
  7. I really dont understand the xert math.! it tells me one thing but does something else!!!

I wouldn’t try and spend too much time trying to be that precise. Just train and keep your needle pointing to the right on the pacer and don’t let it go into the red, and you’ll on average reach your improvement goals. Sometimes it’ll be a bit more and sometimes a bit less. Things don’t need to be that specific.

Also, workout goals are based on average day-of-the-week activities and can be more than your deficit. (It won’t tell you to do a workout for 10XSS). This gives you a bit of surplus and that’s ok!! Keep it up Fern! Monitor your feelings closely and match them with the Freshness Feedback.

Well, I didnt tell you! Im an engineer!:rofl: … thats,s OK!
… but since you mentioned the freshness feedback, is there a way to reset it to Zero. I keep increasing it and roght nkw Im at 17 ( actually , yesterday I decreased it from 22). I guess it,s not importany but I jus like to see it at neutral!

You can restore your Freshness Feedback to ‘0’ by sliding it to the middle…

well, then it tells me that im tired, which Im not! Since I dont know the details of the algorithm , I dont want to screw it up and give the wrong advice. I just would like like to " rezero" ( similar to rezeroing an electronic instrument)

This is meant to be a dynamic tool i.e. can be used often, as needed. Many factors outside of ride data can impact fatigue and recovery rates, so move the slider to reflect how you feel today, and you’ll likely be able to move it back in a couple of days once you have taken the recovery needed.

Thanks! I get it…actually Im getting my “fatigue” indication from my Garmin 935. The Firstbeat software integrates all mt workouts ( run, cycling , srength training) and it works pretty well. Because ot that ( Ive been using it for 1 1/2 years, it agrees with the way I feel almost 100% of the time. Thats why , when xert tells me that I am tired ( I am not , which agreees with firstbeat). That is the reason I mentioned that maybe it needs to be desensitized!

If you sync your Freshness Feedback with this, you should be able to get a good read on what you’ll be feeling into the future after your workouts.

Yes, I,m still learning and Im not worried about metrics that I still dont fully understand. Right now, since Im in Build, all I care, wrong or right, is doing xss workouts to keep my gage centered. Actually I took the day off ( not really…running and stregth training) … but I finally figured out the " planner" which is pretty nice because I can do " what if" analysis. Nice!