Xert Mobile 2.2.8 Beta Released

We’ve added a number of new features and have made a number of improvements so we’ve decided to release this update in beta for testing purposes. Let us know if you experience any issues. To opt in to the beta, click here:


Here is a list of changes for V2.2.8:
Improved Bluetooh Sensor Support
Bluetooth Trainer Support
Workout Resuming
Improved Powermatch
Optimal Cadence Self-Learning
Installation on a Broader Range of Devices

Anything coming for IOS and iPhone? Zwift for example, stated that there IOS users base far exceeded their Android user base. IOS does seem to be popular with cyclists in general.

+1 IOS

We have an iOS version in the works. However one issue still remains that we’d like better clarity on: should the iOS app support ANT+ power meters? A large portion of our users have power meters that are ANT+ only. The ANT+ Alliance has released drivers only for Android but there are some commercial implementations of ANT+ for iOS. ANT+ adaptors for recent model iPhones can be hard to find and the adapters alone are more expensive that some Android phones.

Zwift has a larger user base relative to us and many of their customers are just using Bluetooth trainers. iOS is much easier to manage from a device support standpoint and so it makes perfect sense for Zwift to develop an iOS app over an Android app. Zwift is first an entertainment app and second a training app. Most don’t care that their power data may be incorrect (and some may in fact enjoy it even).

So if we were to stay with Bluetooth support only, it would be for those that have Bluetooth devices and who don’t have older ANT+ power meters, Garmin CIQ Edge computers or Android tablets/phones.

I hope this kind of spells out why iOS has taken longer. Worthy of note is that our Garmin user base is much larger than our Android user base. Garmin users also have the benefit of using our software all year long rather than just during the training off-season. (A relatively small proportion of users actually ride with the Android phones as bike computers relative to Garmin users. I would suspect that even fewer would put their iPhone on their handlebars given their cost and propensity to crack … I’m sure there are some though.)

signed up, im really liking the analytics on xert, a little refinement to the connectivity and training aspect and this app will easily compete with trainerroad

I opted in for the beta. I use mobile on my trainer. I’ll let you know if I notice any diffs.

An iOS app would be welcome, but it absolutely would have to support ANT+. I already own the (expensive) 30pin ANT+ dongle and 30pin-lightning connector (used it for TrainerRoad for the past 3 years) so the cost isn’t an issue for me. I did purchase a $50 Sony Xperia M2 off eBay (highly recommended, and it has built in ANT+ support), so I’m good to go with or without iOS support. I do plan on using the Android and Xert Mobile as a computer for some rides - it’s already in a custom case with a Garmin quick mount attached to the back!

Also, for anyone who wants to do Xert Smart Workouts while riding in Zwift-land, ANT+ support is a must as bluetooth will broadcast your PM and HR data to either Xert or Zwift, but not both at the same time.

I probably wouldn’t bother with ANT+ for IOS. Most new power meters on the market are supporting Bluetooth and there are always work around. 4iiii, for example, makes one the best HR Strap on the market that will also bridge your ANT+ PowerMeter and other sensors to Bluethooth. http://4iiii.com/

But with Bluetooth you can only connect with one head unit! unlike ANT+ where you can connect multiple head units! I Have my Garmin edge and My Galaxy S7 (Built-in ant+) at the same time. So when I’m doing an Xert Workout i can run my Garmin at the same time. also I have more Screen Data/ metrics on Garmin and easier to do measure Laps ( button) . and most importantly if Xret M fritz on you then you still have your data on Garmin.

Shar Haddadin wrote:
and most importantly if Xret M fritz on you then you still have your data on Garmin

And believe me, it happens!
It happens more often than I’d like to see :frowning:

I usually have Xert Mobile running at the same time on a Samsung S5 and a Samsung Tab S2.
Xert Mobile freezes randomly on both of them. I’d say about 3 times out of 10 or maybe 15.

So having an old trusty Garmin device recording the whole thing gives me peace of mind :wink:

I have like 50 devices sitting around my bike: iphone, ipad, android tablet, elemnt, macbook pro, apple tv. a few months ago i probably would have requested an ios version, but now i think it’s easier just to have a dedicated device for xert (on android) and be able to keep the iphone for music, discord, zwift mobile link etc. so personally ios is not a priority for me, even though i am an iphone user. it’s practically cheaper to go out and get android phone than it is to get the apple peripherals you will need anyways… When i ride outside either i will get a huge clip for my 9 inch android tablet, or get a garmin headset.

Armando, I had to leave the Beta release :(. XM is not working! It scans, recognize and link all my ANT+ hardware but everything on the ACTIVITY screen read zeros, except the Time- it’s ticking.

We posted a new version today with some fixes and improved sensor configuration screen.

Just to add would love an IOS version. No Android, and would be great to be able to hook Kickr up to Xert using iPhone. Can use Garmin, but it has no bluetooth which my HRM needs.