Xert estimated Threshold 20 watts too high!. Please Help

Hi there.

I did a short effort, 3m+ at 350w and Xert recalculated my signature pretty bad. There are no issues with power meter. I would prefer if the fix wasn’t a “hack” like flagging the ride, there’s nothing wrong with the data, the issue is the algorithm.

There’s no way I could hold 285w for 30 mins or so. I did an almost all out 20m effort some weeks ago and I did 272w. With this Xert give me a Threshold estimate of 266w, which is appropriate.

@ManofSteele @xertedbrain Please help!


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Hey @oldandfast Welcome!!!

What’s your signature? There might be an imbalance the algorithm didn’t see in your data.

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Hi Armando,

These are the numbers:


Your PP and HIE are quite low. Often a PP that’s too low can cause TP to get inflated especially when a breakthrough is from a constant effort nearer threshold that doesn’t exhibit a fatigue pattern to express your PP or HIE… You can correct this by adjusting your PP manually and re-extracting the signature. If you’re not sure, reach out to support and they can help with it.

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