Xert buckets datafield crashing

hi, I’m seeing version 7 crashing almost every ride that goes above the required amount needed to fill buckets. I’m using it on a Garmin 1040 with the latest firmware. I’ve seen that version 7 did fix one particular crash But I guess this one is different. Mid ride crashes the field, then I can re choose the data field from the IQ data field list.

not much I can add at this point, I do like the idea of the display.


I’m also experiencing this on a new and up to date Garmin 840. After the buckets are filled, it’ll take just a few minutes to crash. Once, the crash occurred even before that. It’s been very unreliable on the 840 in general.

There was a recent update which fixed that crash. Open your Garmin store phone app while having your device connected and make sure the update of the data field executes successfully.
Depending of your settings you might need to actively trigger it.

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As @Beutelfuchs mentioned, check for an update! We did push out an update that should resolve the issue :slight_smile:

Scott, that’s true but as I already stated I have been using vers. 7.0 prior to this.

Hi, mine is also now crashing after the buckets fill, though this is after updating to v7.0 (Garmin 1040)
Hope this can be fixed soon as it is a fantastic app

Is the issue only being reported by 840 and 1040 users?

Haven’t been seeing this issue on our end.

If you’re still having issues with the data field crashing, you should try plugging into your computer and using Garmin Express to sync your device & ensure the app is up-to-date from there.

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Have done - fingers crossed

Had a crash mid ride yesterday on a 1040. Once head unit reset and I went back to the buckets page, there was a little yellow message to the effect something had updated.