XATA clarification

I just need a XATA clarification. What does “Estimated Training Needed” actually mean, during which period of time exactly? Before the preferred time to workout today? Or the same thing, but tomorrow? Within 24 hours, or 48? Or within 7 weekdays? I don’t understand…

Estimated Training Needed represents the weekly hourly volume you need to perform to maintain the improvement rate you have selected. It is based on your current weekly hourly volume, XSS and the Ramp Rate associated with your chosen Improvement Rate. The number of workouts looks at how many workouts you’ll need to perform based on your recent activity XSS values.

So given I have a deficit of approximately 300 XSS and 5 hours of training needed right now (way before preferred time to workout), I would need to do one such workout to play catch-up and then I would be in synch with XATA’s plan? Until this afternoon, when I pass the preferred time to workout, that is…? Or is todays training included, i.e. training to be made during the waken hours?

If your deficit is 300XSS which is 5 hours of training, and you prefer to do 2.5 hour workouts, you are 2 workouts behind to maintain your improvement rate. If the Estimated Training Needed is something you can achieve, then you should be training to close that deficit during the week. (You don’t have to close the deficit in 1 workout). You can close the deficit by increasing the number of workouts or by increasing the XSS you accumulate per workout. XATA will add XSS to the workout if you are behind and will aim to have you close the XSS deficit in the next 7 days. Ideally, training when the needle is centre or is just left of centre, will keep you improving at your chosen rate. If you are unable to invest the necessary time, your needle will move to Falling Behind. This may indicate that your improvement rate is too high and you should adjust it. Note however, that if you are unable to invest the time for this week, then simply continue to train and XATA will adjust your training. Deficits do not carry over from one week to the next so you can get back on track the following week by returning to your regular training schedule.