Workouts repeat and repeat - no new options

I am a 1 star new rider to Xert with roleur as my choice, and a moderate-2 weekly improvement rate set. I have done enough workouts so that everything is finally being calculated correctly, but I only get offered the same 4 workouts over and over. I see that there are several more from the list, but it never automatically selects any but the basic 4. Any idea why that might be?

Probably due to a low training load. Xert recommendations in terms of difficulty (diamonds) are related to your training load / number of stars, and I think there aren’t many 1 star workouts. If you feel they are too easy you can load more workouts and scroll down further to higher difficulty ones… or use the filter option to filter for higher difficulty workouts. But take it easy and listen your body as well!


On top of that. I assume you have a paid subscription? Otherwise you might only see a very few workouts also.

Gr Johan B

I think that may be an original trial limitation from a couple years ago.
I believe the current trial is everything other than ability to import more than three months of historical data.

As @johanbarelds suggests new users should definitely feel free to jump around and select workouts using the filter or perusing the library.
If you haven’t been doing BT workouts already search the library for “breakthrough” and include one of those on a monthly basis. You’ll need to manually select it. XATA will warn you when you haven’t had a BT in awhile.