Workouts linked to Strava route?

Is there any way for Xert to provide a suggested Strava route based on my heatmaps that would support a planned workout? e.g. I have a 1 hour 48 minute workout planned tomorrow, but I will have to independently find a route that “matches” the effort in the workout given elevation changes (or at least just distance). It seems there is enough data to suggest that if I perform the workout accurately and with precision, I should be able to cover X miles. I know there are many factors in this, but this would be a huge enhancement. Thanks!

Are you pre-selecting workouts and adding then to the Planner or selecting amongst recommendations from the Training page on the day of the activity?

I don’t think “accurately and with precision” is feasible outdoors. Duration of an indoor workout under ERG control doesn’t equate to outdoors but this isn’t required to meet the daily target.
If you’ve loaded your history into Xert any prior routes ridden to a similar strain goal for the day will be listed under Outdoor recommendations. I.e. routes quantified by XSS, Difficulty, Focus Duration, and Specificity that if ridden at similar intensity will be inline with today’s goals.

If you prefer a more structured approach you have the option to Autogen a simple HIT workout to be ridden outdoors whether you download that workout to a head unit or simply memorize the pattern.
For example, three sets of HIT intervals at approx. X watts for X seconds/minutes with X minutes rest-in-between. Complete as terrain and traffic allow until you reach your XSS strain goal for the day however long that takes. Doesn’t need to be exact. :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’m brand new to Xert, so figuring things out. So far, I have done the recommendations from the training page. I tried my first one outdoors today and it was a struggle to keep power within the only 10 watt target range when I ported the workout from Xert to my Garmin head unit. I wonder if this is because I’m using 3s power smoothing, unsure if I can change it and what would be more appropriate). Yes, I’ve loaded my outdoor rides to Xert but haven’t looked specifically at the Outdoor recommendations. I may try that next.

Welcome aboard! :slight_smile:
You should find my newbies post of interest (lots of tips) –
Onboarding steps for Xert trial users and newbies - General - Xert Community Forum (

If you have a supported Garmin device the new XSS Buckets data field will be of value when riding outdoors and learning how Xert works.