Where did freshness feedback go with this new update?

I can’t find the freshness feedback slider tab anymore. I guess the last update changed its location. If someome could please print where it is now it would be great :slight_smile:

The Training page for XATA continues to show the FF slider for your day-to-day advice when ATP is set to a phased progression, Continuous, or Challenge.
The main purpose is to temporarily adjust a HIT day’s difficulty up or down.
With XFAI you can always select a harder or easier workout than what is planned and Adapt Forecast if that results in a red dot warning.
If planned activities have you feeling too stretched or wanting more on a continuing basis, you can use the Recovery Demands slider and recast the plan.
With XFAI plans you also have the option to dial up/down the difficulty of HIT workouts in the forecast by adjusting XSSR Preference.

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