Weight training

How does xert take into account weight training? I put in a very difficult leg day on mondays followed by a short spin to shake out the legs. That doesn’t get factored into my weekly training stress however its is probably harder than most peoples interval workouts. How do I get the program to take this into account?

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I guess you have to calculate the XSS score yourself and then put it into the workout. However, we don’t really know how it is calculated do we?

No…its not clear… for instance my workout consisted of a few warm up leg extensions followed by 6 sets of squats 225lb x 10 reps (2 sets) 315lb x 8 reps (2 sets) 385lb x 6 reps (2 sets) then leg press 1000lb x 15 reps for 4 sets. Then stiff legged deadlifts for 3 sets of 10 reps with 160 lbs. and 2 sets of pistol squats as a finisher. How in the heck do I figure a XSS for that :slight_smile:

Well, these numbers are all pointless anyway as the relative effort is interesting. You would at least need to measure your heart-rate to get some kind of measurement.

Hi Brett,

We dont generally recommend putting XSS for non-cycling activities, since XSS is meant to capture strain that will directly improve your riding. It’s very possible that strength training does help, but we don’t know how much weight/reps of which exercises correspond to how much XSS, and at what approximate intensity (Focus/Specificity). We recommend using the freshness feedback to capture changes in freshness following non-cycling activities. Hope this helps!

Ok. The freshness aspect is mainly what I’m looking to adjust. Strength training 100% helps in cycling and at my age, maintaining muscle mass and strength is essential. How do I make changes to freshness feedback?

Hi Brett,

Check out these articles from our support page: http://baronbiosys.com/glossary/freshness-feedback/ and http://baronbiosys.com/freshness-feedback/

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Strength training 100% helps in cycling and at my age, maintaining muscle mass and strength is essential.
Yes, this is true and I agreed with that.


Muscles AND bones.

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