Web Top recommended workout vs Xert EBC (iOS) "Workout Ready"

I use the xertonline.com pages for everytrhig other than executring the actual session. I looked Trainiing tab then the number 1 workout to see what I should be doing.

Then I go to the Xert EBC on my phone to play it.

The workout on the app listed under “Workout Ready” is almost never the same as the one at the Top of Training tab on xertonline. Surely they are hitting the same algorithm to get the suggested workout.

Which one should i be trusting more? Why aren’t they the same?

There can be a difference in the lists as Filter options may differ between the app and XO (xertonline.com).
When you select a workout on XO with Play Now that queues the workout so it will be shown at the top of the list on EBC. If EBC is already running when you make your selection on XO, swipe down on the EBC home page to resync with XO.

Keep in mind the #1 position on a recommended list doesn’t mean that it is necessarily the best workout for today. There will be several options to choose from that meet Suitability requirements.
Plus you always have the option to Load More or change Duration and recast the list.
You can also use Autogen to generate a simple workout that matches the XSS ratio and Focus Duration for the day. You may need to do this if a suitable workout is not found in the library or you wish to create a simple workout to ride outdoors.