Uploading rides without power data

Hi, new user here. A lot of my riding is commuting which I do on a bike without a power meter. Will this effect my fitness signature in Xert?

Many thanks

At the moment “No” and it should be “Yes” and we’re working on enabling you to manually input the effect (XSS, Focus) of activities you do without a power meter to the system.

I did a lot of rides on a MTB without a PM this winter and my tracking is way off. Is there anyway to add a default value to these rides. All my bikes now have PM so won’t be an issue going forward. If this can be fixed, I can kill my subscription at SportTracks! Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 14 Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 14

Our next feature in development is the ability to add manual data to your activities and to plan out activities into the future.

Thank you for the prompt response! What time scales are we talking?

Depends on how testing comes along. We’re adding quite a bit of capability and progress has been good but lots of things to test to make sure it works correctly.

Hi Phil, I had a similar problem with a longer training ride. My “hack” was to (1) use a .fit file for a ride that I’d performed on the same route with a power meter at a similar pace, (2) change the date of that activity using https://www.fitfiletools.com/ and (3) upload the new file to Xert. Worked a charm.

I train with power, but I use FitRepairTool (http://fitfilerepairtool.info/), which gives me full control to .fit data. I have a CycleOps PoweCal powermeter that I calibrated with my SG based powermeter, so in case I miss power data I have an “interpolation function” I can use. FitRepairTool also has a “power” estimator.

Thanks guys - I’ll give it a shot

Dear all, an old tread, but has the ability to add manual data been added? Thanks for your response, best, Niels

When you click on a day on the Planner you can toggle between Show Workouts and Show/Enter Activity Data.

Thanks for your response!