'Undo' or a 'bin' to recover accidently deleted workouts

Within the ‘Planner’ section of Xert. I have, for the second time now, accidently deleted the entire days workouts rather than clicking on the one 5sec ride that I want to delete. My latest delete included a gold breakthrough! Most annoying!


I thought it would be good to have a ‘bin’ where deleted workouts are stored (for 30days) and they don’t count on your fitness signature. Or if that is too hard, perhaps a ‘undo’ or even just a pop up warning that you’re about to delete the entire days workouts, ‘are you sure?’

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Do you mean a last chance confirmation if you select Yes?

Yeah - I think I’d rather a ‘bin’ or an undo. As my little brain doesn’t read the warnings obviously! :man_facepalming:

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If I’ve discarded an activity by accident, is it stored somewhere at least temporaly for 30 days, like deleted photos on most app ?

If not, well :frowning: .