TTE what devices

Can you only get TTE on Garmin ? can you set it up on IOS mobile ? how do i find my TTE . Up until this point i’ve been using the mobile app for workouts on FTMS , now getting interested in some of the other metrics and maybe use them on indoor Crit races , i use a Wahoo bolt.

OK , just dragged out my old 520 (clunky piece of crap) , went onto Garmin Express downloaded the TTE / TTR app and it’s stuck on 360 watts (TTE) 0 watts(TTR) , i actually put in 280 watts TTE / 200 watts TTR and re synced 3 times , but still remains on 360 etc , any ideas ? thanx in advance.

They are calculated figures based on your current signature.
During setup you are prompted to enter your Xert credentials.
To use the fields assign them on the Garmin device and start a ride.

Orange dots? You need to start an activity (no need to actually leave) while your Edge is connected to your smartphone. The fields will then synchronize, but it can take up to 5 minutes before the dots turn green.