this is maybe very basic, but didn’t find any answers.
I’m currently following a training plan for the first half of the season, and I can access it on TrainingPeaks or TrainerDay or in the form of daily workouts.
Now: what’s the best practice to synce this training plan from those platforms to Xert too?
Second question: how can I make Xert evaluate my training plan to meet the Forecast AI I have set up for the next race?
Maybe neither of these points are feasbile, by the way…
I don’t think you can do what you want in this instance. I’ve tried downloading workouts and then importing them into Xert and then putting them on my planner, but it’s a real cumbersome process and I gave up on it. I suppose you could follow the plan on one of the other platforms and then use Xert to check things like ramp rate, would maybe be useful to help make sure you’re getting enough XSS each week, again I tried this but often found that workouts that I found quite hard were only listed as moderate on here and more intensity was recommended, which I knew wouldn’t be good for me, so I gave up on that as well. I suspect it’s one of those things where you’re either all in or all out.