I just subscribed. Training pacer makes no sense. I went to help on Xert. Very poor explanation. What needle does what? triangle does what? both needle and triangle relationship to each other. Does the needle cover both outside and inside bars. does the outside bar and inside bar change? The triangle color I get. Its a 5 part graph???
Even OBC. Had to explain it Ito his wife. and it still doesn’t make sense.
You need enough data on file for XATA (Xert Adaptive Training Advisor) to recognize patterns in your current training. If you don’t have that from syncing Strava or Garmin Connect activities you will need to ride for a few weeks to build your data profile.
Pacer needle is tied to your ramp rate (IR = improvement rate) and weekly hours you are willing to commit to. You want to strive to keep the needle in the 11am-1pm range to stay on target for the week. XATA calculates the weighted average load based on a rolling seven day period.
Triangle color represents predicted form 24 hours from now while Status Stars color at top of the page indicates current form. Status stars count indicates training load level achieved.
There are many more newbie tips in the thread linked above including a link to the beginners guide. I suggest you read through that first as you begin your journey on Xert.
There is also a link to new series of YT videos that explain the concepts…
Yes, there is a learning curve to Xert but it will all make sense over time as you settle into a new way to train by power. More questions? Ask away.
trust me , I have serached about this graph. maybe this is a design issue. the needle only reaching into the inner graph. the triangle only into inner graph.
What does the outside bar mean. training plan???
NO. needles or triangle reaches outside bar graph???
Click the question mark. It takes you to a page that explains. Copying the relevant paragraph:
"If your training is ‘on-pace’, the needle is pointing to the inner grey area. If you’re tracking ahead of plan it will point to the inner turquoise area. And if you’re falling behind it will point to the inner red area. It also indicates if you need to train (outer grey) or if training is optional (outer turquoise). "
Are you viewing XO (xertonline.com) on your phone only or in a browser on a tablet or PC?
One needle for both bands. The outer band is simply a broader label.
Outer band: grey = train, turquoise = training optional
Inner band: red = falling behind, grey = on pace, turquoise = ahead of plan
Inner triangle indicates predicted form and pace position 24 hours from now if you don’t train today.
For example, if the needle is at 10:30 am and you don’t train today, 24 hours from now the triangle may point to the red zone (falling behind).
Needle and triangle will float up/down depending how consistent you are with your training day by day.
I suggest you start accumulating activities and watch what happens to the Training Pacer over a week’s time. You need at least seven days worth of data to best utilize the gauge.
Also note what happens (immediately) when if you change your IR setting under Goals.
Thank you for your help in understand the double bars. I have upload my last three months of data from my Garmin. All. with power data and heart rate. I have gone through all the podcast and any YouTube video I can find. Maybe I just missed something explaining the training pacer.
So far i am finding Xert very powerful. Just a lot to learn.