Training Deficit in Calendar Settings / Weekly Stats

I think it would be nice if you added support for showing Training Deficit and Training Surplus in the new Calendar Settings dialog / Weekly Stats bar. So basically showing the final Deficit/Surplus at the end of the week (Sunday, who ends the week on Saturday btw? :wink:).

Alternatively it could be shown per week day, but I guess that will make the screen very busy. Now you have to click on the add activity button + do a few more clicks to get the status.

While you are at it I suggest you only show the arrows to browse through the stats if required. In most cases it is not needed.


Of course, no self-respecting cyclist doesn’t consider the weekend as Sat/Sun. :smiley:


Cool to see the history of it all but for modern people with a workweek mon-fri and a weekend sat+sun starting the week on Monday just seems logical.
Since I’m European that could be the bias of habit of course as well :wink:


Exactly, Sunday is makeup day… One last chance

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That would indeed be great! The only way I am aware of to do this is to check the xata recommendation for the upcoming sunday. And technically that’s also not 100% correct, especially early during the ongoing week.