today values vs forecasted values


From a motivational perspective it is nice you can see your values vs forecasted values.
But i have the impression the forecasted values are also reset wheneveryou click to have your program updated (as suggested by the red dot on adapt forecast).

if this is correct, then by definition the Fcted and actual values will always be close togeter: it is logical to update your trainingplan based on your recent actual perfomance.

it would therefore be nice if you can “lock” your forecasted values on a certain day (day 1 of your season) and see your actuals evolve against that starting point?

all this is minor off course, it’s a suggested around the motivational aspect

Yes we had considered this but we felt that how well you’re following the original plan might be interesting from a historical perspective, how you are doing against what you should be doing, adapted training included, would be better information.

tx - it’s a choice/decision, so I respect that. Honest question: isn’t ‘how you are doing vs what you should be doing’ very close by definition: if you’re not doing it (or overdoing), then xert will suggest to update your plan.
so unless you haven’t done what you should 've been doing for an extented period of time, and haven’t updated your plan accordingly, it doesn’t really make sense.

anyways: training with xert last winter made a ton of difference for my summer last year, so my base training for '25 started last weekend, so I’m a fan.

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Thanks Bruno for your comments and happy to hear things are going well for you. Your question is a good one and I don’t know if I know the best answer. We just have to pick an approach for now since doing both will just generate too much complexity for the average user.