Subscription Not Reactivated

Hello. Posting this here, in addition to emailing customer services: I’ve renewed my subscription, paid the money, but my account is still showing as ‘cancelled’. How do I get my subscription reactivated. The money has definitely been taken from my account.

Hi @pauljwoolgar,

Any updates on this issue of yours?

I just reactivated my subscription via PayPal, and it went through. Though, my Xert account is still a “free account.”

Just wondering if I should contact support right away or give it some hours to process the payment…? :slight_smile:

Hi, it activated the next day, I believe. I did send an email and they got back to me overnight, by which time it had been sorted. I think they have to manually reactivate, but maybe send an email to them just in case.

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Thanks for the quick reply buddy.

I’ll give it a day or so then. :slight_smile:


Hi Oliver,

You should be all set to go! :slight_smile:

Sometimes the system is a little slow when switching from CC to Paypal payments (or vice versa). Thanks for training with Xert!

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Thanks a lot for the reply! Very much appreciated!

Cheers! :+1: