Strava Segment Hunter target time

Trying to edit the time manually but every time I get I type it in it adds hours to a segment that normally takes me 25 min or less to complete. I have tried Chrome and Firefox. What am I doing wrong?

I removed the segment and re-added it. It defaults to my PR. I will leave it there for now and see how it goes tonight!

I didn’t have the ability to bring my phone with me due to wearing a skin suit. Wasn’t able to pull up the segment at the start of the race. I will try later in the week as I tackle a local segment.

Yeah. We’re putting an update the allow the Target Time to be editted a bit more easily.

This is weird. I managed to see the segments on Garmin 530 and also to set the target times on Xert.
I wanted to change a couple of target times but no way to change the time…?
I have unflagged the segments on Strava. Re-flagged them. Re-imported in Xert. No way to set the target time.
I have uninstalled Segment Hunter on Garmin. Re-installed. Sync’d. Nothing. Still I cannot change the target time on Xert. On Xert there is no window where to enter the new time.
Can anybody help…? Thanks

Hi @cizi, were you able to get this sorted out?

Yes I was. The dark mode of the Mac made the button to set the target time almost invisible. Now I know it’s ok. Thanks for asking!