Strava Auto Update todays ride

Hi. Had a few attempts but Xert would not complete the update - reporting an error. Tried disconnecting and reconnecting to Strava and it went through. Noticed an Xert name suffix and ride link were automatically added to the ride in Strava - is that an option?

That’s what the Strava Autoupdate does.
We may need to change the language if our users expect Xert to automatically sync with Strava.

Ah right so it’s to Strava not from Strava :blush:

Maybe the ability to choose what data features are posted to Strava? I got a breakthrough posted :slight_smile: and a URL for the WO but might be nice to choose XSS etc?

Same for me Error importing from STRAVA. Tried to import directly from Garmin device .fit. Same thing. WTF???

Looking into that. Disconnect and reconnect Strava should help.

Progression Chart has stopped loading into Firefox browser this afternoon. No changes my end - working with Chrome?

Is it working in Chrome for you? (Sorry unclear)

Yes Armando. I use Firefox by default but progression stopped loading all this afternoon however when I tried Chrome it worked okay. Firefox has come back on now?

May have been a cache issue. With the new release, you may need to clear it.