Strain calculation?

Curious how this works. I commuted home and finished a ride with a strain of ~60 and immediately jumped on the trainer and started a zwift session with a new recording on my Garmin, but the live strain went back down to 1 and didn’t come up to 60 or something representative of a what the continuous strain would have been?

Strain is cumulative during a ride but not globally, i.e. the system doesn’t keep adding your current strain to your previous strain. In reality, Training Load is the measure that is accumulating your strain. It declines a little bit all the time and increases with the strain from each activity you do.

It would seem like strain/difficulty use with the garmin connect data screen would benefit from somehow incorporating them if the goal is to be able to guage how you’re doing physiologically during a long ride? Like if I stop for a lunch break on a long century I’ll save my pre lunch ride separately from my post lunch ride

This is a bit difficult to implement without some rules on when recordings should continue or restart metrics. The simplest option would be to have one recording when you are looking to keep that information continuous. I believe there are improved options such as showing Training Load and Status interactively - so you can know when your status goes from yellow to red, for example.

In relation to the progression charts both legends describe the daily histogram value shown as ‘accumulated’?? The strain chart shows the strain per day and is easy to understand however I always puzzle over the stress chart which shows a rolling accumulated valve over an undefined period of time. What does that tell me re my fitness - it seems to track TL?

Hi John. The Stress chart has been around from the very beginning before we had the XPMC. It uses a exponentially weighted moving average with a 42 day time constant. Think of it as a weighted-average daily kJ consumption.

Okay thanks will do Armando :blush: - still doing a great job developing this platform whilst answering all these questions! Cheers John.