Session Player tweaks for display options

  1. Settings: Option to disable v-box controls (left/right arrows, page swipe dots) when you don’t want them shown.
    I would use this for a more immersive experience while watching a HD video especially epic scenic rides during an endurance workout where you don’t need the power chart shown or chat, etc. Today’s group session looked great (Vancouver Island gravel ride) in full screen overlay mode, but the view would have been even nicer without the v-box controls.
    I realize the original player release relied on mouseover to activate the controls but touchscreen users were stymied by that. :wink: This way you can disable on demand as needed.

  2. Refresh button in upper left of title bar.
    I would use this anytime there is an issue with screen syncing to telemetry or video playback. Currently you can tap the “back to Xert” icon in upper left then reload the player, but that is multiple steps when all you really want to do is refresh the browser page (F5).

  3. Full screen button in upper right of title bar.
    I would use this to improve the immersive experience once I have things setup the way I want.
    Currently you can press F11 but that is multiple steps on a touchscreen tablet (enable touch kb, tap, then close it). Ditto on a 2-in-1 laptop with keyboard not in use (easel configuration).
    F11 icon action would allow you to toggle full screen with a single tap.

Not sure F5/F11 work the same way in Safari as in Edge or Chrome, but hopefully the action can be replicated regardless of which browser is in use.

Hopefully others would like to see these tweaks :slight_smile: and if you aren’t using the Session Player for most indoor workouts (solo or group) you’re missing out on a great feature in Xert.

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I would like to see a way to see a video (ie Netflix) instead of XBL podcasts. The other screens are moveable and transparent but XBL seems to be an immovable object.

It would make make my longer low intensity workouts more barrable.

Are you not watching Youtube videos of your choice now?
Nearly all my indoor workouts are solo sessions watching a VT video of some sort.
Or I choose a group session whenever one fits my schedule and suitability is rated Good or Neutral.
You can also turn any public group session into an impromptu solo session by clicking the title, select Copy, change date/time to 5 minutes from now, Save and Join. (There is also a Copy Session icon.)

I created this sample session to use as a template for watching Xert Academy videos while you ride an endurance workout –
Xert - TEMPLATE Example (

Reference –
Starter Guide: Xert Sessions – Xert (

i’m not watching anything… Well I’m looking at the spotify podcast. I wish I could do that.

So I start my Android Xert EBC. Choose a SMART training which is suggested.

Connect my Elite Direto and BT heart rate monitor to my phone. Open up the Session Player on XertOnline and press Start and start peddeling. No means of starting a video.

I looked at your suggested link but I cant figure out how I could start netflix instead of Spotify. I can see it should be possible on the picture on the starterguide. Where can I configure the setting?

You can only watch Youtube videos. Thousands to choose from though. :slight_smile:

  1. Go to on your browser.
  2. Select Training in left menu.
  3. Select Sessions.
  4. Create a solo session comprised of the workout you want to ride, Youtube video URL you’d like to watch, and optionally a Spotify playlist URL. Set time 5 minutes from now, Save then Join the session.
  5. Start EBC and the session you created will be listed. Select it and Start. If minutes remain before start time you can warm up in Slope mode. When the session begins trainer control takes over and the video starts to play from the beginning on the Session Player.
  6. To play in overlay mode, click the Settings icon in upper right, change Transparency to 15, Layout to Overlay, disable Chat, then click Update and close Settings.

For example, today I searched Youtube for “90 minute indoor cycling” and found this –
90 Minute Indoor Trainer Workout roadcycling training video Willimiesajot 135km from Finland - YouTube
Appears to be a Finnish gran fondo that someone filmed to use as a workout video on another platform.
In any case it was fine to watch with the Xert workout I selected today (Rock and Roll Endurance).

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What I’d like to see is a way to avoid having to Schedule a Session. I don’t like having to be ready at a specific exact time. It would be nice to be able to create the Session and save it as a Custom Workout (? or something along those lines) where it just shows up as a Workout in my list of Workouts to select from the Xert Player app. Then I could select it and the Session would start playing when I started pedaling like any other workout. Maybe there could be a specific option for Solo Session or Solo Workout?

Here’s another idea – immersion toggle icon.
I would use this when watching spectacular scenic sections of videos or when watching an instructional video, presentation, etc.
It would be an icon to left of the full-screen icon as shown in my post above.

By default it looks like this – Window 32 n p8

When tapped the browser window clears of all overlays and runs the video in overlay mode (if currently set to embedded) and icon changes to this – Multi Splitter Window 32 n p8

When tapped again screen toggles back to whatever settings you have configured as your preferred setup.

For instant full immersion mode you would tap this icon plus the full-screen icon.
I did this manually today while watching an Academy video and it made a big difference.
There’s no dire need to view overlays during a pure endurance workout and you can always glance at EBC when you want to – or toggle back. :+1:

More videos to consider on your next solo session –

90 minute offroad ramble (Saarland Germany):

40 minute out-and-back along the water (Dunedin NZ); flat but really nice: