Road and TT bike - performance differences

My performance on a TT bike is roughly 30 watt lower than on my road bike ( on threshold levels). Up to this moment I haven’t found an app which could adjust it’s calculation engine to this differences. As a result, an hour long ride at a threshold power ends with 70-80 TSS. Which of course makes no sense. Is there any way for XERT to “see” the difference and adjust the mathematics? Or any trick to make these efforts equivalent to the ones on a road bike?

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I would also like to know answer to this! I’m currently struggling with this.

It’s definitely something that’s found in the research literature - different bikes/bike positions affect your ability to produce power. Unfortunately tracking signature(s) across multiple bikes is a bit complicated for Xert to do at this time.

However, there is a way to analyze them differently in Xert… For activities specifically recorded on a TT bike, you can use the ‘Advanced MPA’ tab to reduce your threshold power (and HIE) a slight amount (10% is a rough ball-park estimate, but if you know its 30W, then use that value), and then save the signature to see the analysis with the new signature. The next activity on a road bike would need you to adjust the signature back to the road (back up 10% or so), and vice versa. Hopefully that makes sense!

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Makes sense. Thanks Scott for your insights and I believe I follow.