recovery needs slider

since the upgrade a few weeks back, i can no longer find the window where I could set my recovery needs, i’m sure i just looking over it, where did this window go? from memory, there used to be a button top right “goal” (? not sure that was the name) and then there were 4 sliders, like: polar vs … or the readiness you wanted by the time of your event (i think it impacted the tapering) but also how many days inbetween hard sessions.

Program, Modify, General Settings.

These options are also available via Home > Profile Settings, General tab:

Found it - on a mobile it only shows if i flip my phone to landscape. In standard mode those sliders dont show. Am using chrome on android.

Interestingly, if i use zoom out to render whole page its added, once inzoom back in (to 100%) its no longer rendered, am using the mobile version not desktop version on standard smarthmphone screen size.