Hi there. Some of the training workouts I am being recommended are weird, such as past Zwift Races, past Zwift Group Rides, and outdoor rides. I’ve played around with some of the filter settings, but I am still being recommended these every now and then. Is there something wrong with how I am setup or is this expected behaviour? If it is expected, how can I set it up so that I am only recommended Xert Workouts please?
That is by design and a major benefit to Xert.
All uploaded activities are classified by XSS (low, high, peak strain), focus type, difficulty, and specificity.
You always have a choice between Library entries and indoor, outdoor, and virtual activities that match the suggested goal for the day.
Recommended lists default to All types, but you can tap the Workouts button to only show workouts from the Library.
In addition the Library includes a Personal folder comprised of any custom workouts you have created or workouts imported from elsewhere.
Those entries are also viable candidates for recommended lists based on their Training Suitability and any filter options you apply.
As far as limiting recommendations to the Library only, I believe that happens if you enable “Automatically schedule a workout” under Planner, Settings. That will randomly assign a workout to the Planner from the top four list after midnight each day. If you change your mind you can remove the entry from the Planner and manually select something else for the day.
You can also influence the order of workouts on suggested lists by liking/disliking entries over time. Thumbs up raises an entry when suitable and thumbs down pushes it down on the list.