Pre-Base to TED; 120+ days; 100% recommended workouts completed at 100% difficulty

I don’t do gym equipment training. I believe the “weight workout” is designed to emulate the strain from that. IOW something that trashes your legs the next day, enough that you’d want it on your Planner to push form to yellow for a time.
I do bodyweight, resistance bands, and kettle bell workouts, irregularly. Not enough to affect me the next day. :slight_smile:

You can open the “weight workout” in Workout Designer, select Copy button, then edit and save changes. For example, to lower the strain score increase MMP incrementally (.7 to .9 or 1.0).

If you do enough strain work outside of cycling and want to include it, you can add the activity manually with estimated XSS. Easy endurance for an hour would be in the 45 XSS range.

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Thanks @ridgerider2, this is really helpful. I live in Norway and at present we have minus 20 and a meter of snow so I have to stay indoors or go to the gym.
I am hoping that twice weekly whole body workouts around 20-30 XSS in addition to aerobic rides will help me build up again. I now believe that the FTP I used prior to Xert was probably too high and causing too much fatigue so adjusting it to Xert rides and gym.