Power pedals went dead 75% into a ride

my pedals worked perfectly up to 75% in a ride and then went dead (ie value 0, not “wrong values”)

what should I best do: flag entire ride, can i have it ignore only that last 25%, or shouldn’t i bother and leave as is.

I had a breakthrough in that first part - i saw it on the computer as it happened, so I know it really was tx to a hard interval. but if i flag it i probably loose the interval.

now, the weather was perfect, the ride was fun, and the legs were in a good mood, so i’m not too worried, with the intervals.icu i can simply flag the last 25% to be ignored, not sure xert has sth similar

Flagging excludes signature calc but should retain a strain score.
Are you getting a strain score now?

If you have HRDM enabled you can export the activity as a FIT file and try this experiment.
Use FitFileTools.com to create two activities. One with the power data section and the other with HR only.
Change the time stamps so the files start later than the original activity.
For example, say the activity started at 8am, was 4 hours long, and ended at Noon.
Time stamp the power data section to begin at 12:30pm and the HR only section to start a few minutes after that first section ends.
Import those sections into Xert and view details. If you like the results you could delete the original activity. You could also delete all three entries, edit the two sections so first one starts at 8am and second shortly after the first ends and import them again.

this worked, tx.

i did reduce the xss on the heart derived part manually as I felt the tool was a bit too generous on that portion, but the BT from the power part is still there, and that was my main goal.