Power Duration cannot be computed. Adjust input values

An odd one. If I use these values and try and calculate my power curve, Xert says it can’t compute the curve:

These numbers are, well, my numbers. Am I somehow distorting the fabric of reality, or is there a bug?

I replicated this, so I guess something is amiss…

Probably a bit of both. It would likely put your HIE close to 50kj if indeed these were true maximal efforts. If your 20 minute power is 295, it is highly improbable that your 60 minute power is only 260. They don’t jive. (TP would be less than 88% of your 20 minute MMP).


I just used the OP’s numbers, they’re not mine, so if the HIE thing is an explanation, it makes sense, but I would change the warning message…