Power Curve Calculator - “Save As My Current Fitness Signature button” not available although logged in


Had a bit of an enforced layoff and Xert’s estimation of my FTP is a little ‘ambitious’ but when I go to relcalculate it via the Power Curve, the ‘Save As Current Fitness Signature’ isn’t available

Yes, I’m logged in :grin:

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated

I suggest you report this bug to support@xertonline.com.
In the meantime, view your most recent activity, enter your starting signature values at the bottom, and select Save (lock). Signature calcs moving forward will reflect that saved baseline.
If unsure what to enter for HIE you can refer to this chart and pick a value within the bell curve range.

Also check out this article –
Returning to Training after a Break – Xert (baronbiosys.com)

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