Posting your chart on Strava

Looks like this is gaining in popularity so I thought I’d post instructions.

To show others how difficult and/or how well you performed, relative to your own abilities, you can attach your Xert MPA charts to your activities. Some are posting their Progression Charts too. To do this, you’ll need to use your mobile phone:

  1. Login to your Xert account on your phone using your mobile browser.
  2. Open your activity (use the bell icon on the bar if it was your latest)
  3. Go to landscape mode on your phone.
  4. Scroll down to the chart.
  5. Tap the button on the top right of the chart and Download the chart. (You can also just take a screenshot).
  6. Edit your Strava activity using the Strava app.
  7. Add the photo to your activity.

Here are some examples of this: ivities/1115111843

Note that we’ll be releasing a new feature in the next few days that will do some automated Strava updates so that you can reference Xert information in Strava. Stay tuned…

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