Port Xert apps and widgets to other Garmin devices?

Are there any plans to migrate the xert apps/data fields/widgets from the Garmin Edge bike computers to the watches like Forerunner or Epix Pro?

You can view a list of current devices supported by selecting the Compatible Devices tab for each data field or app listing on the Connect IQ Store.
For example, MPA & Power: Connect IQ Store | Free Watch Faces and Apps | Garmin

Thank you ridgerider2. I tried to install the MPA and Power but I got a popup that said I don’t have a compatible device to install it on. The compatible devices list for the MPA and Power app shows
epix™ (Gen 2), and I have an Epix PRO (Gen 2). Could that be the issue? Is something compatible with an Epix (Gen 2) not compatible with an Epix PRO (Gen 2)?

No there is no automatic compatibility with new Garmin devices but it will probably be compatible with the next version of the data field, since it technically should work. And I do know, that the Epix Pro is no exactly new, but Xert is a small team. Maybe posting here was a good nudge to update the data fields.

Ok thx Idefix