Player doesn't play selected workout

Tried Workout Player for the first time today. Got everything connected and your Garmin IQ app downloaded my selected workout, Let the Sparks Fly, opened it both on the Garmin and from the webpage on my computer, it all looked good, did this about 30 minutes before I started the ride, just to get everything set. I start the ride and don’t open your app right away because I need more warmup than the workout provides. When I’m ready I open your app on the Garmin and it says downloading workout again, although it had done that earlier. When that finishes I start the workout on the Garmin hit Play Workout from the My Fitness page but a different one (cheung CX) than I selected starts playing. Go back to the web page and Let the Sparks Fly is still showing as the selected workout in the top box on the Advisor Recommended Workouts but clicking Play Workout button under it always play Cheung CX.

Just went back to the page now it shows Stuck in the Middle as the selected workout but hitting the Play button under it plays Life is a Highway. What’s going on?

Hi Ken,
Couple of things…

  1. Do you have ‘select a recommended workout automatically’ selected? If so, this will randomly pick one of the top 4 workouts from XATA for you, every time the workout player launches. You can disable this from the main page in Xert.
  2. You can perform a warmup before starting the workout and have it all recorded together by using the ‘Start Later’ option when you start the app. This allows you to warm up as much as you need. When you’re ready to start the workout, push the start/stop button and then start the workout from that menu. Hope that helps! Cheers