Planner is confused about availability

I have set my program to continuous and put in my availabilities. The planner seems confused eg, i have told the program in not available on fridays, however when i click on the +sybmol it gives me a workout and shows im available for 2 hours,

I have set saturdays as available for 2 hours but when i click on the + in planner it says Im available for 0 hours and suggests an four star xss of 0.

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Are you able to share some screenshots of your data and configuration? If you don’t wish to share, send the request into support so that they can look into things and discuss it with you. Include screenshots. Share timezone information too.

Im in Australia, timezone is gmt+11 atm (includes DST)

Another user reported this to support. Looks like a timezone issue. Some minor updates going in tomorrow. We’ll see if they address the issue. If not, we’ll keep the ticket open. Cheers.

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Fix went into production. Kindly send a note to support if you are still seeing any errors.

Thanks, look fine now.

I played around with it yesterday once more but there is till something broken.
Forecasting a plan, restricting some days, updating, changing some days again, it doesn’t take more than 2…3 cycles to notice inconstistencies. Like days you just restricted, after updating the schedule, suddenly are marked unrestricted again. Especially when trying to change multiple days at once.
I am in UTC+2.

Also I still really wonder about those plans. One week tries to kill you with intensity, like going 20% above your HTL, the next two weeks then lower your training load. This was in every plan I generated so far. This can’t be the intenston, can it?

Can’t address these issues on the forum. Message with specifics and screenshots. Thanks.

I can try, but that’s so much more effort to compile that as a comprehensible description compared to just someone sitting down and playing with it for 10min to see for himself.
These issues are really really obvious :frowning:

Your settings are likely different so we have to dig into your personal account and see what you’re seeing. Not happening universally.

yeah, my workout disappeared when I went to do it. Now, I searched for it and had to reschedule it. It is a little off-putting that I couldn’t ride as planned today. Instead, a workout that I didn’t want kept showing up. I’m starting to think AI is not very helpful when you need help.
Also, I have no idea what the post workout numbers are suppose to tell me. But, that is a seperate topic.

What are your Program settings?
A workout doesn’t need to appear on the Planner or be rescheduled to ride it.
You can alternately search from the Training page and select Play Now to ride a workout immediately. The activity will appear on the Planner when completed.
What post workout numbers are you referring to?
Are you new to training by power or do you have experience on another platform?