Peak Power Impossible

My Peak power is an impossible number. I am sure it was due to crazy watt spikes when my stages power meter was running low on battery. How do I correct this? I changed the power fitness data, but looks like it only adjusts to current rides… Is there a way to manually override this? I have a good idea what my peak power is.

Hi Ralph. Check the FAQ on “Is my fitness signature wrong?”. You can delete these activities and replace with manual. Fix them using an external tool like or simply store a new signature to the activity using Actiivty Details/Advanced. The last option might be the best and easiest way to set your PP (and other two signature values) and have that apply to that activity and trickle down this change to all subsequent activities.

I have over 27 pages of activities, how do I dial in on the ones with the flawed numbers?

Add Max Power column. Sort by it by clicking on the column heading.

Also be sure you aren’t running No Decay as your Decay Method for long periods. This can potentially inflate your numbers. If not setup properly.

this is not very intuitive. I am at my “fitness table” and I click the button near top and see a scroll down with lots of options. I click “max power” and nothing happens… I do not understand.

figured it out. deleted those files…

still the readings are wrong…I do not understand. Max power I can see is 1180something…but it still thinks I can hit 1400. this is dumb.

Look at the FAQ on “Is my fitness signature wrong?” and how to do a Progression Recalculation. You may need to do this if your data has been improperly analyzed due to errors.

OK Armando, similar problem, but I know I have a setting of optimal decay as well I checked the file in Golden Cheetah and there are no spike in the file that was uploaded, the max power for the ride was 694 my previous PP had a setting of 672 so even after flagging the result then unflagging the PP is still too high, at 890… where would that number come from?..when I flag it the number drops to 719 but still higher than any peak I actually hit during my typical ride. Of course when the PP is elevated my TP jumps and in this case my HIE also jumps. Seems weird. I accept that I had a breakthrough that was the purpose of the ride to try out my thoughts on generating a breakthrough which seems to have been true but the results when downloaded are off.