Pacing Breakthrough - Advice for new rider / erg conditioned?

Go to Training page and Clear selection for today then use Play Now to select a workout.
After you hit Play Now, swipe down on EBC home page to sync with your selection.

I did that ridge. EBC locked into the 20whatever remaining mins warmup! I even reinstalled the app.

Hmmm… I don’t get it. You should be able to kill that session and pick something else.
I usually select my workouts from the Training page. Maybe you need to kill that scheduled session on the Planner?

Hi @josephhlbusby,

Firstly, thank you for trying Xert out. Xert has a lot to offer and covers a lot of different areas, more so than other platforms. We’re a small team doing our best to bring the value of these new insights you can get into ways to help you train.

You don’t have to eat the whole burger in one bite nor do you need to do everything that the system offers. Upload some rides. Do your regular thing for now. If you have a set of rides and workouts you like to do, just do them.

Breakthroughs will be the first thing you’ll get familiar with. These happen from time to time and for the vast majority of users, they don’t plan them or follow any set protocol. You just ride hard during a group ride or virtual Zwift ride and come back to see your numbers change. You can follow a set protocol and you’ve seen a few mentioned above but that’s uncommon and unnecessary. One of the advantages and beauty of the Xert system is that your changes are picked up from these breakthroughs with greater frequency and precision which the system uses to inform how you should train to improve towards a goal.

Many users stop there and just use Xert for tracking breakthroughs and progression towards their goal.

Try out a simple workout next. Just open the EBC app, pair it with your sensors and do the workout. Technically, you don’t need to plan it on the planner or create a session. Just choose from the list. The list will be order by what’s recommended. If there is a specific workout you want to do, such as the Ronnestad’s, you can search or filter for it. Try out some our smart workouts. Many are unlike anything you may have done before with variable intensity targets, some that change as you do them and we even throw in non-erg slope intervals for those times where it’s appropriate (such was when power targets are too high for erg mode).

Once you get a feel for all the new ideas and concepts, you’ll be more comformable following the Adaptive Training Advisor and seeing how it manages your training for improvement. We recently added Forecast AI which takes this to another level by looking for optimal training patterns for you to reach a specific goal and mapping out a plan to achieve it.

Good luck. I appreciate you keeping us on our toes. We are a small team but very responsive and helpful so don’t be afraid to send with any questions, complaints or ideas. We’re here to help you get through any challenges you might be facing.


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