Out of Focus?

Im 3 weeks using xert and really enjoying it so far, but twice this week the automatically chosen workout from the quick add button wasOut of Focus so today i just skipped it and picked something else near focus.
Should i be doing this workout if it shows out focus ? or why is it recommended ?
Im week 1 of build at 9.6 hours 20 min power focus

Best of you! is planned next never done it yet, but it looks entertaining easy to keep focus
But it shows as out of focus

Welcome aboard. :slight_smile:

Automatic function on the Planner can be used when entering what-if scenarios for a week ahead. You donโ€™t normally use it to fill in the calendar unless you have specific workouts you want to do next week which can be added with drag and drop.
As a new user I suggest you leave the calendar blank, review daily recommendations, and manually select from the list on a day-by-day basis as you learn the system.
Automatic (and Suggest) randomly selects from top four entries based on XATA at the time you view the Training page. If you have more or less time to train today, you can recast the list by changing Duration.
Recommendations will depend on your Goals settings such as improvement rate, athlete type, program type, plus status stars count (current training load) and calculated form.

Lots of newbie tips posted here โ€“ Beginner questions
Academy series videos are the quickest way to get up to speed โ€“ Discover + Improve + Perform
FAQs here โ€“ Support Home โ€“ Xert