Other options to Sync Weight?

So right now there is the option to Sync weight with Strava that happens when you sync a workout from Strava back to Xert.

So what if you are Syncing direct between Zwift and Xert and cut Strava out or Garmin/Wahoo etc? How can we go about making sure that daily there is a way to automate the syncing of weight to ensure the activities have accurate data?

I have a Withings smart scale and currently sync my data to Fitbit to get that to sync to Strava but would love some smart scale syncing within Xert. Could it also form as useful data to have this within Xert? Being able to see your activities and body data all in the one place

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Hi. Where can I check, that my weight gets synced?

Edit: i checked the weight in the activities. It never gets updated, no matter if imported via Strava, Garmin or Zwift. I will try a fit file import later, as weight is included there.

Edit 2: I just found the “Sync weigth from Strava” checkbox in profile settings, which was unticked.

Edit 3: I uploaded a fit file directly. Beforehand I checked if the weight is properly set in the fit file. xert does not import properly my weight. Puh - annoying.

My weight definitely updates to the value set in Strava. It only works though when you sync a ride from strava into Xert so as part of that workout coming across it brings your weight.

So that weight then stays the set weight until a new workout from Strava comes across and then that weight value comes across.

I would love the ability just like my Strava does every day my smart scales just updates the weight automatically without the need to sync any workouts.

I do not really know though if the weight means anything anyway for Xert but it is nice to historically look back at your performance and see where you were at a certain weight compared to where are you at now. Especially for those trying to lose weight as you like to see the hard work paying off


It would be nice (for Apple users) if there was an integration with Apple Health to pull in weight.

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I just opened an activity in xert. This activity was automatically uploaded from garmin. I find, that the weight in the app was not synchronized.

I then dowloaded the original fit file inside the xert activity and opened the file using https://www.fitfileviewer.com/. Fitfileviewer shows the correct weight (from garmin).

Come on xert, the weight is already near. Inside of the stored fit file, already stored in the activity. Can’t be that hard.

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