Nutrition strategy

Is it possible to pre-calculate the carbs that will be used during a workout? Would be nice for optimization the nutrition strategy!!!

Have a look at similar previous activities?

There are general guidelines of 60-120g of carbs per hour if the ride is over 1.5 hours. In general the total calories/energy expenditure is greatly in excess of the calories from the above carbs in take. In general I’d suggest trying with more carbs first as I understand there are limited downsides and then see how you get on and try adjusting from there.

Summary from Trainer Road here

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Now that they actually use AI, I would be interested in some sort of nutrition forecast!
Not only would the AI tell you how many carbs etc you need for a particular workout, but also tell you what to eat in order to prepare for next day’s workout. Perhaps, it could even link-up with MyFitnessPal or similar apps to take into consideration what you ate the previous days. It could also adjust demands according to the actual burned kJ’s during your workout. I am aware that this must me a huge endeavour to implement. But I am not talking about doint it tomorrow :wink:

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With our newer models, we can get into the finer details of nutrition and fueling. Lots of really interesting things that are seen in the data!


Sounds promising!