No Decay during illness and weight loss

I was sick for a solid 3.5 weeks with a sinus/upper respiratory infection, just easy 30m spins every other day. Was on antibiotics for 10 days. During this time I also lost 8lbs (168 to 160) due to illness, a Life Situation that popped up and wanting to get lighter (I did watch my protein intake during this time.

My question is, that while on No Decay,I’m not sure if my “Real Life Signature” dropped more than it is showing due to “all of the above”. I’ve been on the bike consistently now for 1 week trying to ease my way back.

Should I stay on No Decay? Or change to Optimal, let Signature come down with LTP rides and reset signature in another week or 2 in Zwift Race??

I’m in a similar boat, after a vitrectomy.

I’ve left settings as they were (no decay too) and as for me, it looks like the numbers still match my ‘real life’ feeling.

I think (I read somewhere) that if you are on no decay and do nothing but easy spins, things will go awry - HIE related I believe, which in turn messes up other parameters.

Yeah, me too… You should add more spins if you are on no decay. You can read more about it here - url. I personally recommend you to stay on no decay.
Good luck!