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Here is where I am stuck, my current plan gets me to 249 Watts by 3/31 - and planner even at the end week shows 7.9 hours - When I try a new forecast, even set at 8 hours max it will not let me make the same plan until I change my max hours to 11. Not quite sure why that would be.

Another question as well, if I changed my polarity setting to 75%, shouldn’t I get some more high intensity so I can squeeze more work in less time? Did not seem to change anything.

I guess I’m trying to line up a manageable ramp up with a max time available per week. As it stands right now the planner is maxing me out at 8 hours per week, which is what the daily totals would get me to, but keeping ramp rate under 2.

From help tip (?) article

  • Increasing polarity will result in harder workouts on a less frequent basis
  • Decreasing polarity will result in easier workouts more frequently

You can offset training time with intensity but only so much. XFAI duration estimates are just that - only estimates. You can look to fulfill the requirements with less time by choosing workouts with greater difficulty.

Increasing the Specificity doesn’t result in harder/denser workouts directly. It raises the target for high intensity training load and lowers the target for low intensity load (assuming you’re on a Goal plan).

I would first start by adding more hours than you have available and see what it generates for you. If you feel you can consistentiy reach the daily training targets in less time, then you can make your own better assessment of whether the training plan can fit into your available time.

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Actually looking to exceed the goal by doing more work in this plan…

For example, I have Sunday set as 90 minutes available but it consistently gives me 90 XXS endurance rides when I’m more than comfortable doing 130XSS mixed GC rides every Sunday. When I do the 130, it obviously turns red and then I adapt afterwards, what I’m assuming is that after enough of those, the end target would go up.

So between now and April, I may not have more time during the week, but I definitely have more TL capacity.

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I was referring to changing the polarity to 75% instead of 80%. I was thinking I would get more HIIT per week that way which would increase TL in the same amount of time.

I think the adjustments prior to the actual forecast calculation is way to conservative at the moment. In my case, I had to crank up the weekly max. hours slider up to 23 hours. The resulting plan however has no single week with more than 16.5 hours.

In my opinion it would be a good idea to still let the forecast AI do its think even if the target is maybe difficult to achieve. In this case, the goal XSS number could be highlighted in yellow instead of red (like it is right now). And then you can get a hint that the goal is difficult to achieve and forecast AI might fail. Then its all in the hands of the user, as it should be :slight_smile:


Thanks for the update. It’s looking good. Few thoughts

Would be good to have a future Xert academy series when it exits beta to explain some factors, including why it locks you into certain parameters (like polarity and rider type) for given events (i.e. even for a hilly gran fondo, why can I only be GC, not climber or rouleur to better tailor to the exact event)

I’m also confused by how setting it up for a friendly group ride (flat) with 10.5 hours per week gives me a greater threshold, HIE and Peak gain than setting it for hilly. I assume it is tied to my existing profile, strengths and weaknesses but seems counterintuitive.

For the detail focused would be good to see this in the future.

I am also loving that it runs the AI now and warns you you’ll exceed the weekly hours and you can use the tracker to see when…not its intended purpose but I’ve already been using this to get on the front foot for negotiating extra hours from the significant other during those weeks in April!! Although hoping extra hours on rest days smooth some of that demand off in the lead-up.


So I changed my Sundays to 2 hours - now I’m getting reasonable 1.5hr XSS targets for GC rides like I want - If I do them that way, how will it affect the forecasts going forward?

Everything is based on XSS with duration only being calculated afterwards or used as an availability constraint. You will eventually see the Advisor availability reflect the new Sunday average start times and durations week by week.

Will there be any new videos coming out to explain and demonstrate these new changes and updates? Thank you!!