I’ve read / watched the getting started videos, and I still can’t seem to find the “ideal” way to use Xert.
As background, I have the following equipment:
- Garmin Fenix 6
- Garmin 530
- iMac 27" (and iPhone 11)
- Wahoo Kickr
- Stages left crank power meter
- Wahoo speed sensor
I have been using some combination of TrainerRoard and riding outside for workouts. I start the activity on both the Garmin Fenix 6 and Garmin 530 (both indoor and out). I then upload the activity from the Fenix 6 to Garmin Connect and discard the activity from the 530 (I don’t want duplicates, but I like having the view of the 530 while riding). Garmin Connect then syncs with Strava. And just to be clear, I got the 530 first. A year later, I got the Fenix to track runs and swims for Triathlon training. That’s why I have both.
For indoor workouts, the Stages PM controls the Kickr and feeds the power information to the Fenix and 530. I get the HR info from the Fenix 6. I put TR and/or Zwift on the iMac for riding indoors. This has worked great so far.
I’m having trouble figuring out how to make this all work with Xert in Zwift.
Does anyone have a similar setup and some advice?
Which software should I focus sync on - Garmin Connect or Strava (I typically view Garmin Connect as my "primary keeper of information; I hardly ever open Strava)? It seems, during setup, Xert has a preference for Strava. But then, when I get to my “dashboard,” I see the ability to sync with Garmin Connect.
Does the Xert Connect IQ app go on the 530 or the Fenix, keeping in mind I hope to see the info on the iMac while riding.
Which PM should I use for indoor training, Stages or the internal Wahoo Kick’r (and which controls the trainer)?
I’ve seen the video on using Xert inside of Zwift all on a Mac. I’m not sure that video addressed which PM to use / control the workout resistance. Any thoughts there?
Sorry for the ridiculous questions. I guess I’m just a bit more accustomed to “plug and play” and haven’t really ever gotten into the weeds on this stuff. Xert looks like a great idea and the idea of less structured (by the day) and more adaptive workouts seems amazing. My work life / travel schedule means I just can’t do it every day and sometimes miss two or three days at a time.
Finally, I am a regular gym goer (four days a week), and those activities appear both in Garmin Connect and Strava. Will this mess things up on the Xert side?