New to Xert, loving it but confuse with a question

loving the time to exhaustion feature, but not sure how to configure it, what is my wats to recovery, and my time to exhaustion.

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On EBC Android tap the TTE field to enter values for TTE, MMP and TTR.
On a Garmin device, run Garmin Connect on your phone, select the device, Activities, Data Fields, TTE, Settings to enter values for TTE, MPA, TTR. Save changes then sync to the device.

Calculated watts for various duration pts are shown on your Power Duration Curve.
TTR is typically set to Z2 level watts close to LTP when riding hard intervals. Or set within tempo/sweetspot territory if you want to simulate paceline recovery.

Description from the TTE Connect IQ page –

Using your Xertβ„’ Fitness Signature, real-time Time-to-Exhaustion (TTE) and Time-to-Recovery (TTR) are calculated and displayed. See exactly how long you will last for a given power output interactively and how long it will take you to recover. These appear side-by-side enabling you to get a quick view of your current fatigue and recovery status. Examples:

● Set up TTE near your peak power to see your TTE for a sprint

● Set up TTE near your 5 minute power to see your TTE for an attack

● Setup TTR at 0W to see how long it will take to recover fully if you stop

● Setup TTR at your wattage in the draft to see how long you need to hide out of the wind to recover

Using a custom configuration, take TTE and TTR one step further by setting them to show the time to reach a configurable point in fatigue and the time to reach to a configurable point in recovery. Great for outdoor training exercises. For example:

● Set your target MPA to be 700W with a power of 500W. This determines how long you can maintain 500W until you have 700W maximum power available.

● Set your recovery target MPA to be 800W to see how long you need to recover before you are able to generate 800W again.

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