New Smart Workout - Let the Sparks Fly

Short, sharp micro-intervals can be done with both descending and ascending fatigue to generate a unique workout experience. Quick cadence and power changes to improve overall coordination.

This is unlike anything anyone has ever done before. This workout is hard but is achievable and since you know it is, you’ll not want to give up. Post your feedback.

I know this is a really old post, but I have some comments (as a newbie here) on riding Let the Sparks Fly (note that the link posted above seems to be for a different workout).

I’m using a Wattbike and I set the mode to Auto.

I found it very hard to quickly achieve the target power in the very short intervals. I did my best, but ended up always over 140rpm, sometimes up to 160rpm which strained my glutes, probably due to poor form. I guess few riders have good form over 150rpm.

Towards the end of the interval the Wattbike did provide more resistance and I was able to spin at a more comfortable cadence, but by that point I had to ease off again.

Should I stick to a comfortable cadence and wait for the resistance to adjust and accept that my power will be low for the first half of the interval?

Is there a setting I can change to make this easier? I can’t find any way to use the Wattbike gear change buttons with Xert and using my phone’s touchscreen with sweaty hands while trying to work well over my FTP is slow and error-prone!

Unless I can work this out I’m going to avoid short, sharp intervals from now on. I’m more of a climber/endurance rider, so perhaps I don’t need them anyway.

If you start increasing RPM in the 20-30 seconds before the first interval, say from 80 - 110 RPM, and then only reduce RPM just a little in between, would that help? In my case - but I have a Tacx Neo - this helps, as increasing RPM will not increase power output and it helps when I hit the wall and I’m already at ~100 RPM…

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