Multiple scenarios?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to understand if Xert is the tool for me. On paper it’s a wonderful tool but I have one major doubt.

I train both on the road and on an indoor trainer, let’s say 50/50 during the year.

I have 2 different power meters on the 2 setups, and find that - also using the same power meter - the indoor power outputs I’m able to push are significantly lower than on the road, given the same RPEs.

Long intro for a short question: how do I manage these 2 different scenarios in Xert, in order to obtain reasonably consistent data processing?



First, get a big fan, maybe two, set them up beside you at torso height, not in front blocked by your handlebars. Drink lots of water beforehand and during your ride. This should bring your indoor power closer to your outdoor power.

Other than seeing improvements from heat adaptation, if your power is lower during indoor riding from riding easier, you’re not getting the best training.