Multiple profiles - do they take each other into account for tiredness?

Hi, with the introduction of the multiple profiles, I was wondering if they take each other into account. I’ve setup new profiles for rowing and running and picked up the activities from the last 4 weeks. Yesterday I did a long ride so in my cycling profile I show as tired. However according to my rowing and running profile I should consider long activities. To what extent do the profiles interact with each other and take each other’s activities into account?


I have a similar question about other profiles.

I have done a Weight training profile. I have a few other questions

  • How do I add activity into the Weight training profile?
  • Does it interact with my Cycling workout?

Is there a training video to show how these profiles work?



It doesn’t. Currently, at least for me, the multi profile is without any value. Not only, that fatigue is not considered between rowing and cycling, the calculated and displayed power values / signature data is more or less useless/ wrong, at least for me and my wife. We will stick with that does a good job combining these activities for us.

From my perspective, the rollout of this function has been too early. That‘s a pity, as rowing with concept 2 provides quite good data quality. A reasonable amount of cyclists do rowing- at least in winter. If I have to readjust my freshness myself, despite all the data being available, I don‘t see the point of tracking the rowing data within Xert in the first place.


Oh so they are 2 completely separate profiles and don’t take the others strain into account at all?

I didn’t realise that. What’s the point in it then?


I agree. To me it felt like a beta that was just released to everyone. I continue to manually input my running activities basic information (duration, XSS, type, distance), and import my swimming and strength sessions with heart rate. That seems to help with the shared fatigue of triathlon training. When I started importing all my activities Xert’s TP bumped up around 20W and is now more line with WKO5’s mFTP and TrainerRoad’s AIFTP. I only cycling 3/week. So accounting for 3/swims+4/runs+3/strength sessions per week added a lot of load that Xert wasn’t seeing.

It’s not how Xert recommends doing it but it’s the best way I’ve come up with to account for all of my training stress. I never had good luck trying to monitor my training stress/fatigue with TSS (with TrainingPeaks). I’m assuming that is what does. I haven’t really looked at that site much, so I might be wrong.


The instructions indicate “Not at this time” since strain calcs for various sports are not the same –
Multisport Profiles – Xert

At least for rowing, where detailed data for power, HR and speed exist, in our sample of N=2, the signatures don’t work either.

Consequently: it is a function without actual f u n c t i o n.

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I see it in the same way. The power model for running is wrong - it overestimate my TP for about 10% (8% for Stryd, 12% Garmin TP Pace, 15% to real race effort - I use Stryd 2, Stryd TP 4,4W/kg, Xert 4,8, 4,4W for 26 minutes cross race).
And of course XTA/ freshness is a mess/ wrong when I have two profiles for cycling and running.

I miss the opportunity to configure ignore power data from non cycling activities. It’s all what I need for cycling, for running Xert don’t offer any value now for me.

When I had one profile and manually deleted Power from running files, at least freshness and XTA has worked for me. Now I can’t see what extra value has Xert for me, except TP/ power profile estimation for cycling.

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